
Energy Medicine Exercises for Joy with Donna Eden

Energy Medicine Exercises for Joy with Donna Eden

Video Info: Donna created a quick and easy routine that works on energetic circuits in your body so you can find clarity in the midst of chaos. And now it is needed more than ever so we are offering a 28-Day Challenge!

These are simple exercises that will refresh your energies so you can make conscious choices about what matters most in your life.

This routine works with the Radiant Circuits - an energy system that is primal and intelligent and can release old habits and thrust you into new, refreshing ones. This is a specific routine that works in balancing hormones, stimulating endorphins, and initiating healing. A bonus is that you will probably feel a lot more joy, without even trying.

Each day we’ll post the same routine led by one of our teachers or practitioners so that you can follow along and begin to establish an energy habit of more joy and inner peace.